Job-finding and career skills development
Search by keyword and location to find your next job.
Search the USAJobs federal database by job title, department, agency or occupation.
Find resume templates, get live resume help. Requires a WCCLS library card and password.

Take career assessments. Requires a WCCLS library card and password.

Prepare for your interview. Requires a WCCLS library card and password.
Get interview tips and live coaching. Requires a WCCLS library card and password.
Improve your writing skills, learn languages, find live tutoring. Requires a WCCLS library card and password.
Need help with computer basics? These resources can help you practice basic Internet searching, using a mouse, and typing.
Need to scan, copy, fax, or notarize documents for your job search? Your local WCCLS library can help. Contact a library to learn more.
Community resources
State of Oregon InfoGuide includes links to free, virtual workshops from WorkSource Oregon for jobseekers on topics such as interview skills and resume writing.
Career coaching, job training, adult education and technical assistance for hardworking families struggling to make ends meet (a Centro Cultural initiative).
Visit the website or call, text, or email for referrals to basic needs programs such as food, shelter, health care and unemployment.