Get an E-Access Library Card online
- Read, listen, and watch animated picture books.
- Read, listen and watch animated picture books in Spanish.
- Read e-picture books.
- Read e-picture books in Spanish.
- Watch educational children’s shows and movies.
- It’s free! There are no fees or fines for digital items because they cannot be late, damaged, or lost.
No library card necessary
- Sing songs, say rhymes, and play with words. (Rhyme video playlist)
- Read the lyrics to the songs and rhymes in the videos.
- Read the lyrics to the songs and rhymes in the Spanish videos.
- Share 1,000 books with your children before they start kindergarten.
- Join us for virtual storytimes with your babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Get library resources for you (parents, child care providers, and preschool teachers)

Photo by Megan Zabel Holmes for United Way of the Columbia-Willamette.
You can help the children in your life get ready for school!
Children learn vocabulary words, letter names, letter sounds, communication skills, background knowledge, and how books and stories work by doing the following activities with you. Learn more about early learning and the reading process by visiting Reading Rockets and ¡Colorín colorado!
- Tell family stories
- Describe what you’re doing and hearing
- Name colors, shapes, and objects you see
- Sing along with the radio
- Clap along with songs you know
- Use words that rhyme
- Build with blocks, boxes, or LEGO®
- Pretend to do different jobs
- Act out favorite storytimes
Share books:
- Talk about the pictures
- Ask questions about the story
- Read books again and again
Draw and color:
- Trace shapes, letters, and numbers
- Cut, glue, and tape paper
- Color with crayons or markers
Being ready for school is about more than what your child knows. Here are some things to help you child get ready to be part of a class:
- Make routines
- Take turns
- Talk about feelings
- Be kind
- Read and play together everyday