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Due to weather conditions, all libraries are closed or are adjusting hours.  Please check with your library before heading out. | Debido a mal tiempo, todas las bibliotecas están cerradas o están ajustando sus horarios. Favor de averiguar con la biblioteca antes de salir.

Mobile Catalog

WCCLS provides multiple methods of searching and finding library materials, and access to your patron account online. Two of these are

You can use these catalogs at any time.

We also had the MobilePAC; this was retired on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. There are a couple of reasons for this decision:

  • Use of the MobilePAC has declined significantly over the last 18 months
  • WCCLS provides two other fully functional, mobile-responsive catalogs for the public

If you need help, here’s where to go

If you run into any trouble getting to the main or alternate catalogs, here are a couple of things you can try:

  • Clear your browser cache
  • Change your bookmarks/favorites to point to the new catalog

For additional information, you can:

Why does WCCLS not have a mobile app?

We chose to make the WCCLS catalog available in an internet browser for a number of reasons.

  1. To ensure the widest levels of access to the service. The catalog is neither device- nor operating system-specific.
  2. To save the time and money required to develop multiple apps for specific mobile platforms.
  3. Some areas of Washington County do not have access to high-speed internet. We hope the streamlined nature of a mobile-responsive catalog will be of benefit to people without a fast connection.